Posts Tagged ‘Pawlenty’

Tim Pawlenty likes DADT…still

Monday, February 7th, 2011


“When I was a child,
My fontanelle was leaky;
I like to eat snow”


Board-authorized sale
Tim’s soul in an IPO;
Junk-bond fandango

© 2011

Re: Pawlenty: Rescinding Funds To Implement DADT Repeal Is ‘A Reasonable Step’

“It’s just a flesh wound”

Friday, January 14th, 2011

Re: Pawlenty Doubles Down On Reinstating DADT, Says It Wouldn’t Impact The Military ‘At All’


Meanwhile, as Rome burns:
Tim wants to know who fiddles;
“Eight ball, side pocket”


Sideline cheerleader
Special kicks for teabaggers;
Timmy’s new pom poms

© 2011

TP: Minnesota Chamber Of Commerce Urges Pawlenty To Accept Affordable Care Act Funds

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

Tonight on FOX news!
Pawlenty now a Plushie
Blame Obamacare

Tim: “I’ll work your mouth”
Cat: “And I’ll do yours, Pinky”
The whole world: (Laughing)

[Context note: TP article shows Pawlenty with arm around humanoid in animal costume]

[Originally appeared September 3, 2010; courtesy]