Archive for the ‘Healthcare’ Category

TP: Texas Secessionist To Health Care Reform Advocates: ‘Go Back To The U.S. Where You Belong’

Monday, August 31st, 2009

“Evolving is hard…
Monkey war, then throw death stick
Where black stone come from?”

[Originally appeared August 31, 2009 at]

TP: Proposed Co-Op Fails To Appease Republicans Who Insist It Is ‘Still Government-Run Health Care’

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Poodle jumps through hoop
Trainer shoots the poodle dead
Stop jumping through hoops!

[Appeared August 18, 2009 at thinkprogress]

© 2009

TP: Boehner Claims ‘No One Condones’ Town Hall Disruptions After He And Other GOPers Cheered Them On

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Dumb is dangerous
Vote, buy guns, get mad, lash out
There will be riots

[Appeared August 13, 2009 at thinkprogress]

TP: For ‘Death Panels’ Before She Was Against Them? Palin Endorsed End Of Life Counseling As Governor

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Choked by crushing stranglehold
Of her own sphincter

[Originally appeared August 13, 2009 at]

TP: Fox refuses to air ‘Family Guy’ abortion episode

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Glenn Beck free speech: Yes
Family Guy free speech: No
Cartoons switched at birth

[Originally appeared July 29, 2009 at]

TP: Jon Stewart Gets Kristol To Concede Government Can Provide ‘First-Class Health Care’

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

We pay for both plans!
Shitty for us, best for them
No one mentions that

[Appeared July 28, 2009 at]

© 2009

TP: Senate Democrats ‘increasingly frustrated’ with Baucus’ Finance Committee talks

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Dilute ideas,
Then call it bi-partisan
Pyrrhic victory

[Originally appeared July 23, 2009 at]